Serving women and men in need in the Jefferson & West Jefferson, NC area.


Exercise and Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a journey filled with changes and adaptations, particularly concerning health and fitness. For many, especially young women in their teens and early twenties, questions about exercising during pregnancy are common and important. At Ashe Pregnancy Care Center in Jefferson, NC, we prioritize your health and the well-being of your baby. This blog will address the safety and benefits of exercising during pregnancy, providing guidance on how to stay active responsibly. Exercising during pregnancy isn't just about maintaining physical fitness; it's also about nurturing mental well-being and preparing your body for the demands of childbirth.

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The Risks of Vaping During Pregnancy


In an age where vaping has become increasingly popular among young adults, its implications during pregnancy are a growing concern. At Ashe Pregnancy Care Center in Jefferson, NC, we prioritize providing accurate, comprehensive information to help expectant mothers and their partners make informed decisions. This blog delves into the risks associated with vaping during pregnancy. Vaping, often perceived as a safer alternative to smoking, actually harbors numerous risks for both the mother and the developing baby. Understanding these risks is vital for ensuring the health and safety of your pregnancy.

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For Guys: Overcoming the Urge to Run from an Unexpected Pregnancy


Learning that your partner is pregnant can be a life-altering moment, especially for young individuals in their teens and early twenties. It's not uncommon to experience a range of emotions, including the urge to run away from the situation. At Ashe Pregnancy Care Center in Jefferson, NC, we understand these feelings and are here to offer support and guidance. Our goal is to help you navigate through this challenging time, providing a space where you can express your fears and concerns without judgment. We believe in empowering you with information, support, and practical advice, helping you to face the future with a sense of hope and responsibility.

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Navigating Male Grief After Abortion


The experience of abortion is often complex and emotionally charged, and its impact isn't limited to women alone. Men, too, can experience a range of emotions in the aftermath of an abortion. At Ashe Pregnancy Care Center in Jefferson, NC, we recognize the importance of addressing male grief and trauma related to abortion. This blog aims to shed light on the emotional experiences men may face, offering guidance and resources for healing and support. We understand that every individual's journey is unique, and we're here to offer a non-judgmental, supportive environment for anyone grappling with these feelings. For more information and support, visit our Post-Abortion Recovery page.

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Facing the Conversation: Discussing Pregnancy with the Baby's Father


Discussing an unexpected pregnancy with the baby's father is a conversation laden with emotion, uncertainty, and, sometimes, apprehension. Whether you're in a committed relationship or not, the news has the potential to change your life significantly. It's a critical moment that can influence the dynamics of your relationship and the choices both of you will make going forward. The conversation may also serve as an empowering experience where both parties take responsibility and make joint decisions. As challenging as this discussion may be, it's a crucial one. This blog aims to provide guidance through this delicate conversation, from preparation to dealing with various reactions and planning the next steps.

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Navigating Difficult Conversations: Talking to Your Parents About Pregnancy


Finding out that you're pregnant can be an emotional whirlwind, especially if the pregnancy was unexpected. One of the most nerve-wracking conversations that await is breaking the news to your parents or family. While each family dynamic is different, this situation is generally fraught with mixed emotions—fear, anticipation, uncertainty, and hope. Whether you expect support, criticism, or a complex combination of reactions, preparation is crucial. This blog aims to guide you through the various aspects of approaching this sensitive topic, from assessing the situation to finding the right words and coping with the aftermath.

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Friendships After Pregnancy: What to Expect and How to Adapt


Congratulations on your new addition! While you're marveling at those tiny fingers and toes, you're also entering a new phase that will affect every part of your life, including your friendships. At Ashe Pregnancy Care Center, we know that transitioning into parenthood can be a complex journey, socially and emotionally. In this blog, we'll explore how friendships tend to evolve after the arrival of a baby and how you can nurture these vital relationships.

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Friendships During Pregnancy: Navigating the Changes


Pregnancy is a transformative period that brings about various emotional, physical, and social changes. One aspect that is often affected but not commonly discussed is friendship. How do you maintain old friendships and make new ones when you're on this life-altering journey? At Ashe Pregnancy Care Center, we're not just focused on your medical needs; we also care about your emotional and social well-being. So, let's delve into the intricacies of managing friendships during this significant life change.

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Managing Morning Sickness: Practical Tips


Morning sickness is a common pregnancy symptom, often occurring during the first trimester. Although it is called "morning sickness," it can happen at any time of the day. Nausea and vomiting can range from mild to severe, affecting daily activities and overall well-being. If you or someone you know is grappling with morning sickness, here are some proven tips and tricks to make this phase more manageable.

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Navigating Pregnancy Anxiety: Support and Strategies for Calm


Pregnancy is a momentous and transformative time in a person's life. It brings feelings of joy, excitement, and anticipation of the new journey ahead. For many, it's a dream come true. But it also ushers in a wave of emotions, concerns, and questions that might be overwhelming. You may find yourself worrying about the health of your baby, the upcoming labor and delivery, adjustments to your daily routine, financial aspects, and even how this new addition will change your relationships. These concerns are natural, but when they lead to persistent anxiety, it's crucial to address them. In the Jefferson & West Jefferson, NC area, Ashe Pregnancy Care Center is here to offer support and insights into managing anxiety during pregnancy.

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Busting the Myth: Teen Pregnancy Does Not Mean Your Life is Over


An unplanned teen pregnancy often stirs an array of emotions and questions. Fears about the future, educational prospects, and personal aspirations are natural. Many teens even believe the myth that their lives are over because they're now pregnant. At Ashe Pregnancy Care Center, we want to dispel this fear and empower young parents with the right tools and support to navigate this new phase.

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Weighing Your Options: Important Questions to Ask Before Abortion


Deciding whether or not to have an abortion can be a difficult and personal decision. The choice to have an abortion can be influenced by various factors such as health concerns, financial circumstances, and personal beliefs. At Ashe Pregnancy Care Center, we believe that every woman deserves to make an informed decision that is best for her and her future. We're here to provide resources and support to help guide you through the decision-making process.

Before deciding on abortion, here are six essential questions to ask yourself:

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Becoming a Dad: How to Prepare for Your New Role


Becoming a father is a major life event that can bring both excitement and anxiety. At Ashe Pregnancy Care Center, we understand the importance of preparing for fatherhood, and we offer resources and support to help you navigate this exciting chapter in your life.

If you're ready to begin the journey to fatherhood preparedness, here are some practical steps to get you started:

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How to tell your family that your girlfriend is pregnant


Fatherhood is often a thrilling prospect for young men, but for many men, it can be daunting and fill them with unease. If you're in this situation, your mind is probably racing with a million different things. One of the things you're likely considering is how to break the news of the pregnancy to your family. At Ashe Pregnancy Care Center, we understand that talking about this issue can be overwhelming and uncomfortable. To help you have the most success, we've outlined some tips below on how to initiate the conversation and guide it in a positive direction.

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Decisions: High School Pregnancy


Life as a teen already comes with highs and lows that can be overwhelming. When you add an unexpected pregnancy to the mix, it can seem like the world is ending! It's normal and understandable to feel anxious, scared, or even hopeless when you're facing a teen pregnancy, but we want you to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel! In this post, we’ll walk you through how to begin to navigate this new and unfamiliar journey.

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    12:00pm - 5:00pm
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    12:00pm - 5:00pm
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    12:00pm - 5:00pm
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We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.