Pregnant? Get the facts before making a decision….
You don’t have to make this journey alone. Let’s talk about all your options. Schedule an appointment today to get the confidence you need for your future.
Ashe Pregnancy Care Center (APCC) was founded in March 1995, forming a faith-based 501c3 nonprofit organization, volunteer-driven since its very beginning. The building at 346 South Main is the fourth facility that has housed APCC, provides a welcoming home environment and modern facilities to serve our community.
APCC exists to care for the young people of Ashe County, NC and the surrounding High Country. Our primary focus is on mothers and fathers who were unprepared for pregnancy.
We serve our community by:
Providing life-on-life support, spiritual formation mentoring, and practical trainings in life skills, parenting tools, pre-natal & early childhood development, as well a furnishing needed material supplies. We strive to help young people build healthy and resilient lives, strong faith, and vibrant hope even as we provide material supplies.
Growing healthy families; working with young people in preventing many of the wounds of broken families such as children becoming increasingly vulnerable, abortion considered as a viable option, the challenges of single parenting, and the pain of broken relationships.
Imparting a healthy sexual ethic through the strengthening personal identity, valuation of personal worth and purity, developing resiliency and character, growing peer pressure awareness, developing strategies to reduce sexual risk until marriage, avoiding premarital pregnancy, and avoiding the ‘heart aches’ of premature sexual activity.
We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.